We girls love flowers. (Ok, most.)
They're pretty, and I believe it also transmits healing energy.
I also love the feeling of having able to express yourself by arranging.
So a few years back, I decided to have flower arrangement lessons and went for 6 months.
These are the flower arrangements I made:
Strawberry Field Theme for my daughter's 2nd Strawberry Theme Party
A Vertical Arrangement
Arranging flower textures
Round/Oval Shaped Arrangement
Diamond Shaped Arrangement
Spring Themed Arrangement
Japanese Matsuri Themed Arrangement

Enhancing one type of flower

Christmas Themed Arrangement
Here are some flower arrangement tips:
1. Follow a certain theme and/or shape.
This makes arranging easier for us beginners.
2. Same as human faces, the faces of flowers also have their best angle.
Find their angle, and try make sure that every single one is facing their best
and try not to cover even a single face!
3. Flowers also have their roles in an arrangement:
-The Mass is the Lead Role
-The Fillers that fills up the spaces
-The Form that enhances the Main Flowers
-The Line that gives flow and movement
I suggest checking on different images of flower arrangement to give you inspirations. Magazines, books or even just on the internet. This would give you an eye to creating an arrangement in your own style that you are most confident with.
My most recent arrangement includes sweet pea for my daughter's 4th Birthday Party
Hope this Helps! Happy Arranging! :)
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