2013 Just Answered
"There are years that ask questions and years that answer."
I was too lazy to write anything for 2013. It was one of the regrets I had after realizing that I just promised myself to write more way back in 2012. As I write this post, a promise is about to grow. It was amazing to look back at what happened to me in 2013. A lot has happened...good and bad times. As I look back at the photos I have taken, I have noticed a roller coaster of emotions and learning. Things that I never thought would happened came to life, and those that I expected did not come.
On December 31, 2012, I thought of the life with a new family. I thought of life away from my own family. I thought of how I would be able to go through everyday without the normal quarrel with my siblings and the kulitans in between. It was a reflection that, I guess, almost everyone goes through. Back then, I was telling myself to lead a life with a happy family. I just did not want another life with separated parents, with one struggling to support the family.
I guess retrospect is a powerful thing. Exactly one year later, I realized how difficult it is to be facing what I just once thought as a plan five to six years from now. Despite the difficulties, I thank 2013 for teaching me a bunch of things. From work-related to family-related stuff, these experiences served as an eye-opener for me. It made me realize what I am capable of doing. I soaked up a simple life, and I will strive to still live a simple life but now with a greater sense of responsibility and a bigger pack of courage. I just bid 2013 a goodbye and now I am looking forward to spending 2014. I am ready to face whatever plans God has set. I will conquer 2014.
Now I want to share how my 2013 went...
January. Done personal errands before work. It was fulfilling to see my university diploma after graduating. This is the ultimate product of my hardwork and effort for four years.
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February. Worked beyond our limits. Sports festival of my company just proved that I could be as athletic as I dreamed myself to be. Yes to cheerdancing one more time!
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Spent more quality time whenever I could with my little niece.
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March. Our little boy Andrei just got a bit older. He received this medal which just showed how he's slowly growing up and learning other things from outside our home.
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Spent some time with my "other" family at Bataan. I felt truly blessed to have them with me.
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Fascinated with the exquisite beauty of this church at Bataan.
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April. My birthday month. Surprised first thing before my flight to Davao.
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Worked on my birthday was not a totally bad experience at all. I cried, yea, but I felt more mature when I realize I just turned 22. No longer a kid.
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Worked, enjoyed and discovered new places a lot more.
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May. Love for my forever cherished high school classmates.
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June. More time teaching the little kiddo how to write. Helped him prepare for school.
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July. Said hello to the much-awaited team building. My second and definitely last from this company.
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It's them who could always push me to do things like this one. Imitated Alodia G.
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Bigger and brighter with friends.
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August. Our little girl's 1st birthday.
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September. Surprises to see one of my girls' birthday.
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October. Leaving. A fresh new start for me.
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November. Started up this online shop.
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December. Reunited with best friends.
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Wishing you all a fun-filled 2014 ahead!